YILE JILE001 Ferrari F40

YILE JILE001 Ferrari F40

Ferrari F40
Brand: YILE
Production code: 93
Compatible with: ---
Pieces: 1158
Age: 14+
Year: 2015

Product information

The Ferrari F40 is part of the Advanced Model series of building blocks, which contain 1158 building blocks. The Lego 10248 was first launched in 2015 and has since been re-enacted by domestic building blocks brands such as LEPIN, YILE, LERI/BELA.

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Town Zero.
Town Zero. http://www.town0.com/sets/10248.html
Brick Insights Rating
Brick Insights Rating https://brickinsights.com/sets/10248-1
bricklink https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.p...
BRICKER foreign evaluation finishing summary.
BRICKER foreign evaluation finishing summary. http://bricker.info/sets/10248/
Enthusiasm like fire Ferrari F40 building blocks! Eile 001 (imitation LEGO 10248) by Philharmonic model.
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Enthusiasm like fire Ferrari F40 building blocks! Review Ofe001 (imitation LEGO 10248) by Philharmonic model.
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