Forange FC6254 Therizinosaurus

Forange FC6254 Therizinosaurus

Brand: Forange
Production code:
Compatible with: ---
Pieces: 996
Age: 6
Year: 2022

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Product information

✅ Forange FC6254 Therizinosaurus 
✅Therizinosaurus is an extinct genus of theropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 70 to 65 million years ago. Its name, which means "scythe lizard," refers to its long, scythe-like claws.
Product Name: Therizinosaurus 
Category: Creator 
This Kit Contains: Forange FC6254
996 pcs Good Quality Bricks 
Manual Instructions 
📌Nature of the protagonist 
Introducing our proud collection named “Therizinosaurus” you should not miss. 
Therizinosaurus was one of the largest theropods, reaching lengths of about 10 to 12 meters (33 to 39 feet) and weighing an estimated 5 to 6 tons. It had a long neck, a small head with a toothless beak, and a deep, barrel-shaped body. Despite its theropod classification, Therizinosaurus is believed to have been primarily herbivorous. Its teeth were highly reduced, and it likely relied on a beak and a specialized feeding apparatus to strip leaves and other plant material. Its long claws were likely used for defense or reaching high vegetation.

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