PANTASY 11015 Elvis The Little Prince Radio

PANTASY 11015 Elvis The Little Prince Radio

Elvis The Little Prince Radio
Brand: Pantasy
Production code:
Compatible with: ---
Pieces: 1000
Age: 6
Year: 2023

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Product information

✅PANTASY 11015 Elvis The Little Prince Radio
✅"The Little Prince" (Le Petit Prince) is a famous novella written by French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Originally published in 1943, it has since become one of the most translated and best-selling books in the world. The story is known for its profound and timeless themes, capturing the imagination of readers of all ages.
Product Name: Elvis The Little Prince Radio
Category: Creator 
This Kit Contains: PANTASY 11015 
1000 pcs Good Quality Bricks 
Size: 21 × 14 × 15 cm
Manual Instructions 
📌Nature of the protagonist 
Introducing our proud collection named "Elvis The Little Prince Radio” you should not miss. 
"The Little Prince" is a beloved novella that has captured the hearts of many readers worldwide. While there might not be an official or widely recognized "Little Prince" radio, the book's themes and characters have inspired various artistic creations and merchandise. If you are interested in "The Little Prince" themed items, you might find other collectibles, such as figurines, artwork, or literary-themed accessories, that evoke the spirit of the book.

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