Pantasy 86309 The Little Prince Toys

Pantasy 86309 The Little Prince Toys

The Little Prince Toys
Brand: Pantasy
Production code:
Compatible with: ---
Pieces: 1000
Age: 6
Year: 2023

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✅ Pantasy 86309 The Little Prince Toys
✅"The Little Prince" is a novella written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and first published in 1943. It is a famous and beloved work of literature that has been translated into numerous languages and has sold millions of copies worldwide.
Product Name: The Little Prince Toys
Category: Creator 
This Kit Contains: Pantasy 86309
1000 pcs Good Quality Bricks 
Size: 12.6 × 8 × 17.8 cm
Manual Instructions 
📌Nature of the protagonist 
Introducing our proud collection named “The Little Prince Toys” you should not miss. 
The story follows a young boy, referred to as "the little prince," who travels from planet to planet, encountering various characters along the way. Through his travels, the little prince learns important lessons about life, love, and friendship. The story is often interpreted as a philosophical allegory, with the little prince representing innocence and the human spirit, and his journey symbolizing the search for meaning and understanding in life. The book explores themes such as the importance of imagination, the dangers of narrow-mindedness and conformity, and the beauty of simplicity and human connection.

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