TUOMU T6003 Sunset Lily

TUOMU T6003 Sunset Lily

Sunset Lily
Brand: TuoMu
Production code:
Compatible with: ---
Pieces: 554
Age: 6
Year: 2023

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Product information

✅TUOMU T6003 Sunset Lily

✅Lilies are often associated with purity, beauty, and renewal, making them a fitting subject for a sunset-inspired artwork. The lily's graceful form and timeless elegance evoke a sense of tranquility and reverence, inviting contemplation and reflection.


Product Name: Sunset Lily

Category: Creator

This Kit Contains: TUOMU T6003

554 pcs Good Quality Bricks

Size: 22.3 × 22.6 × 28.6 cm

Manual Instructions

📌Nature of the protagonist

Introducing our proud collection named “Sunset Lily” you should not miss.

The sunset symbolizes the transition from day to night, mirroring the cyclical nature of life and the passage of time. "Sunset Lily" captures this moment of transition, embodying themes of transformation, renewal, and the beauty of impermanence. Lilies hold cultural significance in various societies and are often featured in art, literature, and religious symbolism. "Sunset Lily" pays homage to this cultural heritage, celebrating the timeless beauty and enduring symbolism of the lily flower.

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